Technology is a huge part of our lives and as a function of that omnipresence, there is a lot of information floating around about what you should and should not do. Inevitably, some of this information is not accurate and becomes cemented into a pervasive myth. Here are some of the most common computing myths:


Macs Can’t Get Viruses


While it is true that Macs are less likely to get viruses than PCs, they are not immune. Macs can still get infected with malware, ransomware, and other types of malicious software. Macs at one time benefited from what techies refer to as “security through obscurity” but as their market share has grown it has created a greater incentive for scammers and hackers to focus their efforts on the Mac OS.



Closing Background Apps Will Make Your Computer Run Faster


This is not necessarily true. Closing background apps can sometimes free up system resources and improve performance, but it can also cause other issues like increased startup times or decreased battery life.



Incognito Mode Makes You Completely Anonymous Online


Incognito mode only prevents your browser from saving your browsing history, cookies, and other temporary data. It does not prevent your internet service provider (ISP) or other websites from tracking your online activity.



More Cores Means Better Performance


While having more processor cores can sometimes improve performance, it is not the only factor in CPU performance. Clock speed, cache size, and other factors can also impact performance. Additionally, some applications are not optimized for multiple cores, so more cores may not always result in better performance.



You Need To “eject” USB Drives Before Removing Them


While it’s true that ejecting a USB drive before removing it can help prevent data loss or corruption, it’s not always necessary. Most modern operating systems will automatically flush any data to the drive before you remove it, so you can usually safely remove the drive without ejecting it first.



Using a Third-Party Charger Will Damage Your Laptop Or Phone


While it’s true that some third-party chargers can be dangerous or low quality, not all third-party chargers are bad. Many third-party chargers are just as safe and effective as the ones that come with your device. Just make sure you buy from a reputable brand and check for safety and regulatory certifications.



If you need help separating fact from fiction when it comes to your technology, give us a call at Mankato Computer Technology.