The Heat And Your Computer

The Heat And Your Computer

It’s undeniable, we’re in the “Dog Days” of summer and people can be forgiven for moving a little slower. But did you know heat can slow down your computer’s performance too? Even in ideal conditions it’s important for your computer’s cooling...
Choosing A VPN

Choosing A VPN

With the increasing risk of cyber threats and the pervasive presence of data-hungry entities, the need for effective digital security has never been more evident. One powerful solution that has gained significant traction is the Virtual Private Network, or VPN. In...
Desktops Vs. Laptops

Desktops Vs. Laptops

When it comes to choosing between a desktop and a laptop computer, both options offer unique advantages that cater to specific needs. Over the years laptops have become more affordable, but there are still times when desktops or laptops have unique characteristics...
Software Troubleshooting Basics

Software Troubleshooting Basics

We’ve all been there: you click an icon, and nothing happens, or an application crashes while you are in the middle of a task. Computers are a lot more stable than they used to be, but users still regularly encounter freezing and errors. Here are some basic...