Spring is here and it’s a great time to tidy up your digital life as well. Your computer can accumulate a lot of clutter over time, from old files to unused applications, which can slow down your system and decrease productivity. Here are some tips for spring cleaning your computer.


Delete Old And Unnecessary Files

Start by going through your files and deleting anything that’s no longer needed. This includes old documents, photos, and music files that you no longer use. If you have a particularly busy desktop, moving files into folders or deleting old shortcuts could be helpful. If you delete a large amount of data, don’t forget to empty your recycle bin to clear up space on your drive.


Uninstall Unused Applications

Look at your list of installed applications and uninstall any that you no longer use. This will free up valuable space on your hard drive and speed up your computer. Right click on the start menu and select “Task Manager,” then navigate to the “startup” tab to see a list of programs that launch when your computer boots into Windows. If there are programs there that you don’t use regularly but you’d like to keep, you can disable them from startup to save system resources.


Clear Out Your Downloads Folder

The downloads folder can quickly become a mess of old files and documents. Sort through it and delete anything that you no longer need.


Organize Your Files

Create a system for organizing your files and stick to it. This can include creating folders for different types of files and naming them appropriately. You might find it helpful to establish a dated system of nesting folders for years and months—especially for documents and pictures.


Run A Virus Scan

It’s always a good idea to run an antivirus scan on your computer to ensure that there are no malicious programs or adware lurking on your machine.


Update Your Software

Make sure all your software is up to date, including your operating system and any applications you use regularly. This will ensure that you have access to the latest features and security patches. Run Windows updates from PC settings, open the Microsoft store to check for updates for your apps and check under settings in your internet browser to ensure you have the latest version.


If you need help with your technical spring cleaning, give us a call at Mankato Computer Technology.