Spring Cleaning For Your Computer

Spring Cleaning For Your Computer

Spring is here and it’s a great time to tidy up your digital life as well. Your computer can accumulate a lot of clutter over time, from old files to unused applications, which can slow down your system and decrease productivity. Here are some tips for spring...
Your 2023 New Year’s PC Checklist

Your 2023 New Year’s PC Checklist

AdBlock For Sanity and Safety   The internet has a lot of ads. And unfortunately, scammers use ad delivery platforms to serve bogus error messages to unsuspecting people, trying to entice users to call fake tech support numbers. Installing an adblocker like...
The Cold and Your Computer

The Cold and Your Computer

This winter has already proven to be a formidable one in the Upper Midwest and we’ve started to see some issues occurring with people leaving their computers in cold cars. What happens when your computer is exposed to very cold temperatures?   How Cold Is Cold?...