The End of Internet Explorer

The End of Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer, Microsoft’s long-suffering and oft-maligned legacy internet browser is finally going the way of the dinosaur. The software giant has been warning that the browser would be discontinued for over a year now and they have been working diligently to...
What Can 365 Do For Your Office?

What Can 365 Do For Your Office?

For years now, Microsoft Office has been the linchpin of business and academic computing. If you have made a text document or spreadsheet on a computer in the last 20 years, the chances are excellent that you were using a Microsoft Office product. Office 365 marks...
Microsoft Unveils Windows 11

Microsoft Unveils Windows 11

Microsoft confirmed today what had been suspected and hinted for the last month: the newest version of Windows is coming, and it is called Windows 11. Today we got a peek into what’s coming, as the software juggernaut held a livestream event to unveil the new...