by | Aug 12, 2022 | Insights
Technology is an integral part of our lives and many of us use electronic devices all day long. As a result, occasional mishaps and accidents are bound to occur. Here is a list of the most common hardware mishaps we see in our service depot and how to avoid them....
by | Aug 5, 2022 | Insights
We’re well into the midst of summer and for many families that means travelling. While some elements of travel remain the same—the cross-country family road trip, the weekend scrum at the airport—we now have new variables to consider; what technology do we bring with...
by | Jul 28, 2022 | Insights
Computer specs can be difficult to make sense of for the non-tech-savvy user. Specs take the form of a slew of numbers and letters, denoting something but not signifying much to those who only need to think about them on the rare occasion that they are shopping for a...
by | Jul 15, 2022 | Insights
Many people are not accustomed to keeping a password or pin to log into their home PC, but the evolution of operating systems is bringing new requirements that will bring that practice to an end. Don’t get locked out—follow these best practices to ensure you always...
by | Jul 7, 2022 | Insights
Browser extensions are useful tools that can add functionality to your internet experience, but they are also being used more frequently as security loopholes, attack vectors for malware, or ways to show users more advertisements. So, what exactly are browser...
by | Jun 23, 2022 | Insights
Technology should be a tool for all people and software developers are spending more time than ever before creating adaptations that allow easier access to computers for those who may have disabilities. Users without disabilities may also find accessibility settings...