AI Coming To Office And Windows

AI Coming To Office And Windows

Microsoft has recently unveiled its AI chat interface, Windows Copilot, which will be integrated into its Windows operating system and Office suite of productivity tools. The tool aims to provide users with various services, such as document summarization, music...
Common Computer Myths

Common Computer Myths

Technology is a huge part of our lives and as a function of that omnipresence, there is a lot of information floating around about what you should and should not do. Inevitably, some of this information is not accurate and becomes cemented into a pervasive myth. Here...
Be Smart With Your Phone

Be Smart With Your Phone

If your experience with mobile phones started in the 90s or early 2000s, you’ve seen massive developments in mobile technology over the years. The green-screened, brick-like Nokia phones that so many of us used in the past were a far cry from the advanced touch screen...
Your 2023 New Year’s PC Checklist

Your 2023 New Year’s PC Checklist

AdBlock For Sanity and Safety   The internet has a lot of ads. And unfortunately, scammers use ad delivery platforms to serve bogus error messages to unsuspecting people, trying to entice users to call fake tech support numbers. Installing an adblocker like...
The Cold and Your Computer

The Cold and Your Computer

This winter has already proven to be a formidable one in the Upper Midwest and we’ve started to see some issues occurring with people leaving their computers in cold cars. What happens when your computer is exposed to very cold temperatures?   How Cold Is Cold?...