Windows 8.1 Reaches End Of Life

Windows 8.1 Reaches End Of Life

Another Microsoft operating system has reached the end of its long and winding road. Windows 8.1 has received its last patches and as of January 10th, the OS has officially reached “end of life.” What does end of life mean and what should you do if you are still...
Bogus Browser Updates Deliver Malware

Bogus Browser Updates Deliver Malware

Security researchers have recently identified malicious code running on the websites of news services which prompt users to install fake browser updates. Threat actors are using the code to deploy the SocGolish JavaScript malware via local, regional and national news...
The End of Internet Explorer

The End of Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer, Microsoft’s long-suffering and oft-maligned legacy internet browser is finally going the way of the dinosaur. The software giant has been warning that the browser would be discontinued for over a year now and they have been working diligently to...