Desktops Vs. Laptops

Desktops Vs. Laptops

When it comes to choosing between a desktop and a laptop computer, both options offer unique advantages that cater to specific needs. Over the years laptops have become more affordable, but there are still times when desktops or laptops have unique characteristics...
What To Do If Your Email Gets Hacked

What To Do If Your Email Gets Hacked

Your phone rings and someone asks you about an email you sent (that you didn’t actually send). Or you look into your sent folder only to discover hundreds of identical emails entreating your contacts to open an attachment, click on a link or send money in the form of...
Spring Cleaning For Your Computer

Spring Cleaning For Your Computer

Spring is here and it’s a great time to tidy up your digital life as well. Your computer can accumulate a lot of clutter over time, from old files to unused applications, which can slow down your system and decrease productivity. Here are some tips for spring...
Common Computer Myths

Common Computer Myths

Technology is a huge part of our lives and as a function of that omnipresence, there is a lot of information floating around about what you should and should not do. Inevitably, some of this information is not accurate and becomes cemented into a pervasive myth. Here...
Windows 8.1 Reaches End Of Life

Windows 8.1 Reaches End Of Life

Another Microsoft operating system has reached the end of its long and winding road. Windows 8.1 has received its last patches and as of January 10th, the OS has officially reached “end of life.” What does end of life mean and what should you do if you are still...